الجمعة، 17 فبراير 2012

قصص النجاح تزيد الهمم لتحقيق الطموح

الشبيبة - أحمد الهنائي

An Arabic interview for me published in Al Shabiba newspaper

Nov 11, 12

منحة السلام الأمريكية
أما نوال آل جميل المحاضرة بكلية صلالة للتقنية فتجاوز نجاحها الأطر المحلية إلى الدولية، وهذا ما حكته بتفصيلٍ مثير بقولها: "لعل من التجارب الناجحة التي مررت بها والتي أفخر بالحصول عليها هي قبولي في منحة السلام الأمريكية، وهي تعنى في إنشاء وتدريب مجموعة من طلاب الجامعات في الأمور القيادية والإدارية، حيث تم اختيار ثلاثة طلبة لتمثيل السلطنة، وكنت أنا الطالبة الأولى والوحيدة من محافظة ظفار يتم قبولها بالمشاركة مع سبع دول عربية وهي الأردن وجمهورية مصر العربية والجزائر والمغرب واليمن وفلسطين.
البرنامج استمر لمدة عام أكاديمي، حيث ذهبت للدراسة في جامعة شمال كارولينا بشارلوت، وشاركت بالكثير من الورش التدريبية والتعليمية بداية في جمهورية مصر العربية، انتقالا إلى واشنطن دي سي ودنفر بولاية كالورادو، وختاما بالإسكندرية بمصر. تعلمت الكثير من هذه التجربة، حيث منحتني الثقة بالنفس والقدرة على التعامل في المواقف الصعبة وإنجاز العمل في الأوقات المحددة. كذلك قمت بتمثيل السلطنة في أكثر من مهرجان ومناسبة عالمية بأمريكا للتحدث عن تراث وحضارة عمان، وقد ساعدتني السفارة العمانية بواشنطن دي سي بتزويدي بمختلف الكتيبات التي تتحدث عن السلطنة. ومن النجاحات المهمة التي حصلت لي مؤخرا هي قبولي في كلية صلالة للتقنية كمحاضرة في مركز اللغة الإنجليزية، وقد بدأت العمل بالكلية في شهر سبتمبر الفائت، وكنت أصغر محاضرة تم قبولها لهذا العام".

الخميس، 16 فبراير 2012

Tips for a Great Home Stay

Indre’s & Julia’s Tips for Living with a Host Family

· Your host family has volunteered to host you because they are interested in getting to know your
country and culture. So don’t be shy about sharing photos and stories about home with them.
· If you need something, just ask. Don’t hesitate to tell your host family that you are hungry,
thirsty, or that you would like to do something.
· To avoid misunderstandings, ask your host family about how things work, such as the shower,
dishwasher, laundry machine, computer, etc.
· Although we expect you will be spending most of your time with the family participating in any
activities they do, discuss any personal plans with your host family so they know when to expect
· Ask if there is anything you can do to help. You are considered a member of the family. It is
absolutely normal for men in an American household to cook, wash dishes, take out the garbage,
clean the house, do yard work, etc.
· Respect traditions and customs of each family. Remember that the traditions and customs you
experience in an American home will be different than what you are accustomed. Please
remember that you are in the US to experience the differences as well as the similarities. This is an
opportunity to learn about other people’s social, cultural, political, and religious beliefs and
· Offer to cook national food for your family.
· Keep in mind that some people are sensitive to strong perfumes, so please use it sparingly.
· Try to maintain a sense of humor, relax, and enjoy getting to know your American family.
· And most importantly, be sure to thank you host family at the end of your stay. You may even
want to give them a small token of your appreciation, such as a flag from your country, a
picture frame, or flowers.

Tips from Nawal Bait Jameel

· Be aware of your culture and be ready to answer all different kinds of questions with your host
· Cats and dogs were not my favorite and I guess almost all of you know how much do they scare
me but since I experienced been around different of animals, I assure you that these animals are
well trained and will never hurt you. Now, I can be around dogs and cats and I can hold them too
which is something that I had never imagined myself doing it in my life.
· Be yourself and give them a good picture of your country.
· Be flexible.

I took this article from Denver Leadership Institute newsletter.
Peace Scholarships Program Page 11

الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2011

An American Host Family Experience

An American Host Family Experience

Nawal Bait Jameel met an American family while studying at the University of North Carolina –
Charlotte. She stayed with the family in their home and had a wonderful experience. She wanted to
share her experience with you, although she expects that not everyone’s experience with their host
family in Denver will be quite like this:
“I had a wonderful time…. my host family is
awesome and they are so good and kind to
me. No matter what I’ll say about them I’ll
never be able to describe how kind are they.
They always make me feel at home and they
do whatever I want. They do check on me all
the time and they keep asking me if I need
anything. They make me feel like home and
family here.
Also, they never expect from me to pay
anything. They’ll always do and pay
everything for me. I talked to them, but they
refuse to listen. Then I asked Maureen (my International Student Coordinator) if she gave them
money to spend on me but she told me, ‘no, they are just a very kind people and they want to keep
you happy.’
Before the Thanksgiving night I was in their home from the morning helping make the dessert एंड
after that, I went with their awesome daughter to visit a park। I like it and now I can make a pumpkin
pie and apple pie. I loved all the food that they made and I ate a lot that night. For sure I liked the
dessert because I was part of it.
One thing I really respect them about is at that night I and Ayoub were fasting and they waited for us
till 5 pm then we started to eat at 5:30। I told them that they don’t have to but they refuse to listen.”

Leadership Awakened with Oman's Peace Scholarship Ambassador

Leadership Awakened with Oman's
Peace Scholarship Ambassador

Among the successful individuals of Oman, a success story unfolds with KnowledgeOman.com to highlight another local talent and young distinguished Omani. This is the story of Nawal Al Jameel, who has been chosen to represent Oman in the US Peace Scholarship Program. The Peace Scholarship Program, by the US Agency of Global Development in cooperation with USAID, encourages Omani students qualified from various colleges and universities in the Sultanate to complete their studies in America, and to benefit from the prestigious universities and learning experience while embarking on a journey of leadership.

Welcome Nawal, and kindly introduce yourself to the KnowledgeOman.com family.
My name is Nawal Abdullah Aman Al Jameel from the governorate of Dhofar. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature, and graduated from Dhofar University.

What were your ambitions and dreams as a child? Have you achieved any so far?
I always dream of the impossible and try to work hard to achieve my ambitions. My ambitions were big and I had many dreams. What helped me to achieve many of them is my faith that there is no obstacle that can stand between me and my ambitions. I dreamed of TV and broadcasting since I was a child and I achieved that through enrolling in many courses in the Information Directorate in Dhofar. I dreamed of the press and meeting celebrities, and I achieved that through my career in Al Shabeebah Newspaper. I dreamed of being famous in the field of poetry and I achieved that by participating in many events and poetry nights in Dhofar. I also dreamed of meeting managers and establishing a good relation with them, and I achieved that through my work in the Office of Information and Public Relations of SQU for 3 years.

You have become known for your many talents, and we’re honored to know more.
When I was studying at school, I was a distinguished student in the arts, drawing on glass and acting. All of these talents evolved and generated greater talents and abilities in the university stage. The university provided me with the suitable place and environment that enhanced my abilities. This included presenting on stage, holding culture nights, and event organization within and outside the university. I also excelled in design and photography.

What were your achievements during your studies in Dhofar University?
Dhofar University is the mother who raised Nawal and which sought to develop her, her talents and her self-confidence. It made it possible for me to become the poet, director, designer, editor, photographer, journalist and presenter in many events, while representing the university to meet with ambassadors and other important visitors.

What do you think are successful leadership traits?
A leader is someone who doesn’t know the word "impossible" and nothing should stand in the way for success and achievement. A leader must also have faith and believe that there is a solution for every problem, while generating ideas and taking 100% action towards it. In general, this is the personality that is born to develop and promote the growth of communities.

Who is your role model in life?
Needless to say, it’s my family and in particular my father. Without their support and encouragement, I wouldn’t have reached the stage of achievement that I’m in today.

Inform us briefly about the Peace Scholarship program.
This program specifically aims to prepare and train Arab leaders who are capable of innovating great ideas and developing their communities.

How did you hear about this program, and what were your expectations before knowing the results?
I heard about it when I was working as an assistant lecturer of Arabic language for 65 American students in Dhofar University. I was honestly very confident with myself and had faith that I will pass and thankfully I was not disappointed and obtained the scholarship.

What does this experience mean to you?
It truly means a lot to me, and I consider it as a real life test for my leadership abilities and talents. The question here is: Will Nawal be able to prove herself as a leader in America and other countries or not?

Do you have any concerns about going to America?
I have no concerns because I believe that any individual with leadership traits can adapt to any place in the world and can self-create opportunities wherever the person goes.

What are you future plans after finishing this scholarship program?
I always had the ambition to be one of those who help develop the governorate of Dhofar and to spare no effort in making it the best. That’s what I hope to achieve when I return and to elevate Dhofar to higher levels.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I see myself in many places, such as an ambassador, a manager of my own company, or a minister. Why not? My ambitions are big and have not limits.

Final words for KnowledgeOman.com?
Thank you very much for this opportunity to be featured, and I wish you all much prosperity in the future.
Last edited by KUBU; 24-04-2009 at 05:06 AM.